How can I include my student in the process?

Module two has reinforced the importance of actively engaging your student in evaluation processes so she is more likely to learn from and act upon your feedback.

At halfway this can be done in a number of ways.

  • Self-evaluation. Consider asking your student to self-evaluate using the SPEF-R2©.


I always use the SPEF like a tool to go through with the students to work out how they think they are going as well. - Practice Educator


  • It may be useful to let the student know that you understand that this can be an uncomfortable experience. Reinforce that you are interested in seeing if you both identify similar general strengths and emerging skills, and that the focus is not on 'matching' specific ratings item for item. You may also like to highlight why self-evaluation is a valuable learning process, not only as a student but also later as an occupational therapist.

Should I ask the student to self-evaluate using the SPEF-R2©?*

Listen to a student respond to this question.  *This audio clip refers to the SPEF-R, but remains just as relevant for the SPEF-R2.


I like that students can fill it out (the SPEF-R2) themselves for comparison - it helps with ownership of the assessment process. - Practice Educator


Halfway evaluation is a great time to get feedback from your student. Find out what you can do to help them make the most of the remaining time. You could seek feedback about workload, clarity of expectations, level of independence, your availability etc. Consider using the SPEF-R2© Student Review of Professional Practice Placement. Seeking evaluative feedback is sometimes referred to as 'closing the feedback loop' and may help your student feel listened to and understood. They may subsequently be more willing to take on board your feedback.

How do I use the Student Review of Placement?

Listen to a practice educator respond to this question.


I love it! I keep it on file and it's relevant to quality improvement activities. It helps me to gauge the students' feelings; what they see as valuable. I use it to give me direction wtih future students. - Practice Educator (regarding the Student Review of Practice)