The SPEF-R2© and Orientation
How can the SPEF-R2© be used during orientation?
You have probably already organised some activities and processes to help your student become oriented to your workplace generally and to the practice placement experience you have planned.
As already highlighted in the previous sections, it is important to begin engaging your student with evaluation criteria and feedback as part of this process. Using the SPEF-R2© as an anchor for a discussion can be a very useful strategy.
As part of the orientation, set aside some time to do just that. Plan to work systematically through your customised copy of the SPEF-R2©.
In your discussion:
- Explain what behaviours you will be looking for to substantiate ratings and feedback.
- Expand on this by sharing your customised examples.
- Provide details of the stream you will be using and any items that will be considered N/A.
"Gives a very detailed explanation of what is expected in terms of core competencies and then other aspects that we are expected to be able to achieve." - Student
- Give your student plenty of opportunities to ask questions and seek clarification. They may also like to share what they are hoping to achieve during the placement, linking personal learning goals with the learning goals detailed in the SPEF-R2©.
- Make sure you have an extra copy to give your student so they can refer to it throughout the practice placement. Your student may also like to note down key points during your discussion.
- Let your student know if you will be expecting them to complete the SPEF-R2© as a self-evaluation.
- It is also a good time to discuss how you would like your student to provide you with feedback about the practice placement experience. Let them know if they are required to complete The Student Review of Professional Practice Placement, and if so, if it will be a part of the halfway and final evaluation process.

View a vignette of a practice educator using the SPEF-R2© in orientation.
Let's see it in action! If you haven't already done so, or it has been a while, it is highly recommended that you now watch this vignette. It provides a "snap shot" of an OT using the SPEF-R2© during orientation.
It runs approx 4 minutes. Please note that specific item numbers and descriptions may differ slightly from the current SPEF-R2 version. Discussion and clarification processes however remain the same.
Use the activity sheet (PDF, 176.1 KB) to help you get the most from the vignette